Make Time for Yourself With a Self-Care Sunday
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Treat yourself right and reward yourself for the week ahead by indulging in a much needed self-care Sunday. Get ready to relax and recharge at the beginning of every week.

Caring for oneself physically, mentally and emotionally is an essential aspect of life that is often overlooked. A great way to prioritize self-care is by dedicating one day of the week to yourself. This can be done in various ways such as taking a relaxing bath, indulging in your favorite food or hobby, or simply spending time with loved ones.
Taking time for yourself rejuvenates the body and helps reduce stress levels and improves overall well-being. As we go about our busy lives, it’s easy to forget that we need time to recharge and take a break from everyday pressures. Setting aside time for yourself every week can prevent burnout and maintain balance.
Whether on Sundays or any other day of the week, taking care of ourselves should never be neglected. It’s important to remember that prioritizing a self-care Sunday routine will help you have a healthy and fulfilling life.
You only need a few hours each Sunday to focus on yourself and reset your mind and body for the week ahead. This could include taking a long bath, reading a book, or walking in nature. The goal is to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life and focus solely on yourself without any distractions.
This weekly routine can also improve relationships with others by allowing you to show up as your best self. When we care for ourselves mentally and physically, we have more energy and capacity to be present with friends or family. The Sunday ritual can help maintain balance in your life and encourage you to prioritize your needs just as much as others.
“As a mom to young kids, self-care is a lifeline. Taking time to recharge and refresh in advance of a busy week is essential for my well-being. Prioritizing self-care makes me a better parent, equipped to handle the demands of parenthood with patience and love. I make it a routine, nurturing myself to show up as my best self for my children. Then, I can embrace the chaos of the week ahead with renewed energy and a full heart.”
— Sara Nelson, Real Balanced
Why it Works
Reducing stress levels is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Relaxing and unwinding can help you cope with life’s everyday challenges. Setting aside one day for yourself is a great way to reduce stress, relax your mind, and pamper yourself.
Thinking clearly or making good decisions is difficult when stressed out and overwhelmed. Taking time for yourself on Sundays can clear your mind and gain mental clarity. This will help you make better decisions in all areas of your life.
The weekly routine will also let you recharge. When you’re feeling refreshed and energized after a day of relaxation, tackling tasks with focus and motivation is easier. You’ll be more productive throughout the week if you take time out for yourself on Sundays.
Preparing for Your Self-Care Sunday
Preparing for this day in advance is important to make the most of it. First, decide on the activities you want to do. Choose activities that you love and that help you relax. This might include taking a bubble bath, reading a book, or even taking a nap. Whatever it is, make sure it brings you joy and helps you unwind.
Next, create an environment that relaxes you and helps put your mind at ease. This could be as simple as lighting scented candles, playing soothing music. or diffusing essential oil blends for relaxation. You want to disconnect from technology and social media to focus on yourself fully without distractions.
You also need to plan healthy meals and snacks so you don’t have to worry about cooking or ordering food on the day. Taking care of these small details beforehand ensures that you have the perfect self-care Sunday that is both rejuvenating and restorative for your mind and body.
“Self-care Sundays don’t necessarily have to be spent pampering i.e. spending a bit longer on your skincare routine or having a long relaxing bath. Some people would even love to spend their self-care Sundays catching up on a backlog of home admin or spending the day at home with their loved ones playing family board games. Whatever it is you choose to do on your self-care Sunday, the whole purpose is to just treat yourself and embrace that golden time doing what you love most.”
— Sabira Bandali, Haul of Fame
Self-Care Sunday Ideas
Each Sunday should be about taking time out for yourself and doing activities that make you feel happy and relaxed. If you need some Sunday self-care ideas, here are some things that you can do.
Chill and Reflect
As homemakers, we live a fast-paced life on most days – having a full-time job, tending to the kids, taking care of things around the house, the list goes on. Self-care Sunday is the perfect opportunity to slow down, reset, and just enjoy the moments as they are without worrying about alarms and deadlines.
- Enjoy a slow morning: Take a break from your daily alarm and allow for natural light to wake you up. Do a few morning stretches, have your favorite cup of coffee, and enjoy a hearty breakfast while playing some good music.
- Journaling: Gratitude journaling is one of the best ways to express emotions and clear the mind. It allows for reflection and self-discovery, leading to a better understanding of oneself. Sunday journaling can set intentions for the week ahead and release negative thoughts or worries.
- Gratitude list: Self-care Sunday is the perfect time to clear your thoughts and reflect on your life and the world around you. Make it a habit to write a gratitude list and write about the things you are thankful for.
- Digital detox: For the ultimate refresh, disconnect from your phone and computer as much as you can on this day so that you can focus on yourself. Take a break from checking emails, scrolling on social media, or playing online games to reduce stress and cultivate mindfulness in the present moment. You’ll be surprised at how easily your mind can clear when you do a digital detox, even for just a few hours.
- Read a book: Reading can be an excellent way to unwind and escape from the stresses of everyday life. Whether it’s a self-help book that inspires you or a novel that takes you on a journey, reading is a great way to care for yourself mentally.
- Movie marathon: Go ahead and watch that movie you’ve always wanted to watch but never had the time to. You can also re-watch some feel-good films, or binge-watch a new TV series. Whether you’re in the mood for a comedy, drama, or thriller, cozy up on the couch and have some relaxing screen time. Enjoy your favorite comfort food while you’re at it!
Get Active
It’s also ideal to prioritize your physical well-being during self-care Sunday as movement is an essential part of your overall health and wellness. You don’t have to go to the gym or anything (although you can if you want to), but some mindful movements like light stretching or some quick cardio would do.
- Take a walk: Getting some fresh air and exercise can be a great way to clear your mind and boost your mood. You don’t have to go on a mountain hike or long run — just a leisurely walk at a nearby park or around the neighborhood can do wonders for your well-being.
- Hobbies: Engaging in self-care activities that bring joy stimulates creativity while reducing feelings of burnout or exhaustion. Allowing time for things like painting, playing pickleball, reading or gardening on Sundays can renew energy before heading back into another busy workweek.
- Quality time: Spending quality time and sharing meaningful moments with your loved ones is one of the most effective stress-busters. Whether it’s playing games, baking together, enjoying a movie night, or even having a heartfelt conversation with each other can do wonders for your mental health.
- Declutter: Let’s face it – as homemakers, we can’t help but try to do something productive even on days we should be relaxing. For many of us, we find cleaning and organizing our home to be very therapeutic. Besides, clutter can get in the way of our relaxation. So if you’re up for it, declutter a space in your home. Not only will you have tackled a long-overdue task, but you’ll feel accomplished and uplifted seeing a clean, clutter-free area of your home.
- Date yourself: For some of us, Sunday is the only day when we have the time to go out. If you can, have a date with yourself – visit a museum, drop by a spa or implement spa day ideas at home, spend some time at the park, eat at your favorite restaurant, or go shopping. Today is all about you so go do something that you enjoy!
The biggest investment you can make is the one you make in yourself. Take some time to focus on you and indulge in the small things that make you happy. Taking a pampering bath, following a refreshing skincare routine, and catching up on some Zzzs are life’s simple pleasures that we often overlook.
- Take a bath: There’s nothing quite as soothing as soaking in warm water. Add some Epsom salts or essential oils like lavender for added relaxation benefits. You can also light candles and play calming music while soaking in the tub.
- Skincare: One can boost confidence and feel refreshed by taking time each week to pamper oneself with face masks, serums and moisturizers. This ritualistic act of self-care provides an opportunity to slow down and take care of oneself physically.
- Afternoon nap: Naps can ease stress, reset you emotionally, and make you more alert. It’s also a great way to catch up on some much-needed sleep from the busy week that was. Just remember to keep it short and sweet – a 20 to 30-minute nap is best. Otherwise, you’ll wake up feeling groggy and still sleepy.
Tips for Sticking to Your Self-Care Routine
Here are some tips that help me stay on track. I hope they help you too:
- Set realistic goals: When creating a weekly routine, you must set realistic goals. Start small and gradually increase the time and effort you devote to your routine as you become more comfortable with it.
- Prioritize: It’s easy to let self-care fall by the wayside when we have busy lives, but it’s important to prioritize it like any other task. Schedule time for yourself each week, whether that means taking a bubble bath or going for a walk outside.
- Find what works for you: There is no one-size-fits-all approach, so find what works best for you! Maybe prayer does wonders for your mental health, while someone else might prefer journaling or cooking healthy meals.
- Be consistent: Consistency is the key to sticking with anything, so ensure you are consistent with your routine. Whether every Sunday or every morning before work, choose a time that works best for you and stick with it.
- Don’t beat yourself up if you slip up: We all have those days when things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a routine day. The key is to get back on track as soon as possible.
- Involve others: Self-care doesn’t mean isolating yourself from others. In fact, involving others can be beneficial!
“It’s incredibly important to prioritize taking time out before a busy week to recharge and refresh, allowing yourself the opportunity to rejuvenate and find balance as you navigate life’s demands. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s a compassionate investment in your overall well-being that ultimately benefits both you and those around you.”
— Micah Klug, Home Faith Family
Things to Remember
Taking time for yourself through self-care is essential for overall well-being. It allows you to rest and recharge, reducing stress and improving mental health. Finding what works best for you and incorporating it into your routine is essential.
Making self-care a priority can also improve productivity in other areas of your life. Feeling refreshed and energized makes you more likely to be motivated and focused on your goals. Additionally, the weekly routine will set an example for others around you that taking care of oneself is important.
Implementing a self-care Sunday may seem like a small change, but it can significantly impact your physical and mental health. So take some time this week to do something just for yourself.
Portions of this article originally appeared on Food Drink Life.
This article came at just the right time. I really needed a reminder to take some time for myself because I’ve been feeling like I’m on the fast track to mommy burnout. I’ll be notifying my family today that from now on, Sunday mornings are going to be MY time.
Happy for you, Lisa! We deserve a relaxing day after a long week. Enjoy your me time.