Pour over coffee is a popular brewing method that involves manually pouring hot water over ground coffee. It allows for precise control over brewing variables like water temperature, grind size, and pour rate, giving you a consistently high-quality and customized cup. Here’s how you can make your own pour over coffee:
Place the pour over cone or dipper on top of your mug or coffee carafe. Secure and make sure it sits flat against the sides.
Pour the coffee beans in your coffee grinder and grind to a medium-to-fine consistency, similar to the sea salt texture. Pour the coffee grounds to the filter and level them out.
Heat the water to around 200 F. If you don’t have a thermometer, bring the water to a boil, then let it rest for 30 seconds.
Carefully pour a small amount of water over the coffee grounds in a circular motion, just enough to wet them. Wait about 30 seconds for the coffee grounds to release trapped carbon dioxide, which is called the bloom process.
Continue pouring the water slowly, aiming for a thin, steady stream. Pour in a circular motion from the center to the edges. Use your scale to check how much water you’ve poured and stop when you’ve reached the desired ratio.
Let the water filter through the grounds and into the mug, which may take only three to four minutes. Remove the pour over cone and enjoy your first pour over coffee!
Notes: There are many types of coffee, but since the pour over method is great for highlighting aromas and subtle flavor notes, I recommend that you start with light roast - i’s brightness is perfect to start your day!