Looking for ideas on how to brush your teeth without a toothbrush? Fear not, we've got you covered. Here are five unconventional yet effective ways to maintain good oral hygiene even when you don't have a toothbrush, so you can keep your pearly whites clean and healthy wherever you go.
Active Time5 minutesmins
Total Time5 minutesmins
Course: Bath & Beauty
Keyword: how to brush your teeth without a toothbrush
Yield: 1clean mouth
Author: Jessica Haggard
Cost: varies
1 Clean washcloth or cloth
1tubetoothpastecoconut oil, or olive oil
1piecesugar-free gum with xylitol
1piecetwig from a neempeelu, olive, apple, or birch tree
Washcloth method: Wet a clean washcloth or regular cloth with warm water. Gently rub the cloth over your teeth and gum line in a circular motion. Pay attention to the tooth's surface and get all surfaces: front, back, and sides of your teeth. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water.
Finger method: Wet your finger with a little water. Apply a small amount of toothpaste or a teaspoon of oil, like coconut oil or olive oil, to your index finger. Gently rub the toothpaste or oil over your teeth and gums in a circular motion. As in the option above, pay attention to the surface of your teeth and get all sides: front, back, and chewing surfaces. Spit out the toothpaste or oil and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
Sugar-free gum method: Choose a sugar-free gum containing xylitol, a natural sweetener that helps prevent tooth decay. Chew the gum for 20 minutes after meals. Focus on chewing the gum with your back teeth to help remove food particles and debris from your teeth and gums in hard-to-reach places. Spit out the gum and rinse your mouth with water.
Twig method: Find a fresh and flexible twig from a neem, peelu, olive, apple, or birch tree with the approximate thickness of a toothbrush. Chew the end of the twig until it makes a frayed end with soft bristles. Use the bristled end to brush teeth in short strokes, focusing on the areas with the most buildup. Spit out any twig or food debris and rinse your mouth with water.
Mouthwash method: Pour a small amount of store-bought or homemade mouthwash into your mouth. Be careful not to swallow it. Tilt your head back and swish the mouthwash around in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Spit the mouthwash out into the sink. Rinse your mouth out with water.
Pick at least one of these easy ways next time you find yourself in this situation. In some instances, combining more than one method will be a better option for the most effective results