Rolled beeswax candles have an eye-catching honeycomb texture, natural yellow color, and pleasant honey scent. These candles fit in any regular taper candle holder and burn for hours with a deep golden glow that will cheer up even the darkest days. All you need are a few sheets of beeswax and wick, then you can make the easiest homemade candles for home decor or giving away as gifts.
Use a ruler to measure the sheet and serve as a straight edge as you cut it in half with a pair of sharp scissors or a knife. Each piece will be 8 ⅛ x 8 ½ inches.
Fold the wick in half and cut it into two parts, each being 8 ½ inches long.
Lay the candle wick at the very edge along the one side of the wax. Match the bottom of the wick to the bottom edge of the sheet. ½-inch will poke out above the top edge; this is the part of the finished candle you will light and burn.
Secure the wick by pressing it gently into the slightly warm beeswax sheet and tightly fold the sheet over once.
Keep your coil as tight and even as possible, rolling from one side to the other. The tighter the roll, the better it burns. Give a quick blow with a hair dryer when 1 inch of the sheet remains, then finish rolling and seal the seam by pressing into the candle. If the weather is already warm, pressing or rubbing just with your fingers may be enough to seal the edge.
Trim the wick to ¼ inch and insert it into your favorite taper candle holder. Use proper caution and burn in an open location away from small children and curtains! Never leave a candle unattended.
You’ll want to warm the sheets up slightly if they are not already fairly flexible. Placing them in front of a sunny window or blowing with a hair dryer or heat gun for a few seconds will be enough. Cold wax can crack and break as you roll, ruining the candle. Please note that you don’t want to overheat the wax because it can melt. Wax at the correct temperature will be pliable but not too soft and smoosh under your fingers.Instead of using separate ingredients, you can start with a rolled beeswax candle-making kit.